Welcome to Harmful Park!
Hello! This is the webpage of internet user Harmful Park. I go by Crunch in some circles as well. I'm using this site to host my creative work, and write about stuff going on about my life. Recently, i've been doing snippets of improv music, some djing, and playing crazy ass games like Beyond Citadel and Pokemon Fools Gold. I've always got a couple projects in the pipeline so come back every now and again to see whats changed.
2-13-25: Uploaded a lil bit of writing about my experiences playing Pokemon Gold, beating Trainer Red for the first time. Beating what felt like The Final Boss In All Of Pokemon to me back then was a dream of mine, super glad to have actually fulfilled one of my childhood dreams. I'm getting a better sense of what I want this website to be, so I rearranged some stuff. I also decided to start doing a Mix Of The Month section on the Mixes Page. Curious to see how long I keep updaing that. I want to share other people's work here even if they'll never know about it. That's all.
2-2-25: Unsanctioned Recollection: Salvation by Emulation. Revolution thru ISOlation. is up! If you've ever emulated a game, or had the enjoyment of a retro game withheld from you because of zero availability, check this one out! the early Nerdcore Techno scene in Japan, how stealing samples from the things you love allows artists to insert so much of their own interests into their work. It's not 100% emulation related but GnB gave me the OK to stretch the theme as much as possible so I took advantage of the opportunity to write about something that I can write passionately about. Writing for this zine is awesome, so many great bits in there to discover. It got me to play my first Pokemon Romhack: Pokemon Fools Gold! That game reignited my love for the pokemon games, im still running through the Kanto league but i'm loving my time with it so far. Stay tuned!
12-31-24: I recently participated in Goblin Bunker Public Access 4 raising funds for the PCRF. This set features some amazing hardcore, drum & bass, and battle jersey club tracks I found this year. Come check it out, its an absolute face melter. I've also got a zine submission you'll be able to check out soon! Keep an eye out.
Outside of that, I've been integrating myself in my city's improvisational music scene. If i end up recording anything there, i'll be sure to share it. Improv music is so transient, any time something dope comes out of my sessions, I end up tearing myself up that I wasnt recording it. Regardless, here's to an amazing 2025!
8-26-24: More editions to the photography page. I took my 8400 for a spin a while ago and just now remembered to upload some of the choice photos :p. I should take a couple vertical photos to even out that section, it's bothering me.
8-17-24: Added a new mix I improvised for a public set. This one focuses on spanning various genres like jungle, atmospheric dnb, hard techno, and hardcore breaks. I'm a lil proud of it, it feels a lot more cohesive and well put together than my previous works. It's a sign im slowly getting better despite how seldom ive been able to actually DJ. Theres like 30 songs in a 60ish minute span. I gotta work on letting songs breath and live between eachother.
6-30-24: Big additions to the photography page.
6-19-24: Added my Fujifilms JX400 to the photography section. I found this camera in an estate sale and its been fun taking it with me everywhere as my first pocketable digicam. Next update will probably be polishing up the background/ web assets and reviewing NANA cause holy shit this show is killer.
5-20-24: Photography tab added, will continually update to make it look nicer. I'm actively on the hunt for a few digicams with a mavica fd-7 on the way.
5-06-24: Mix updated, travelogue updated.
4-23-24: Travelogue updated.
3-28-24: Website created.